Submitted by SPH DIGITAL on
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What is the champion's current position?
What are the champion's specialties or areas of expertise?
Transformative Governance of Data in Public Health Inter-social dynamism in ecosystems and trans public health agencies. An expert consultant in knowledge management for change in digital transformation. Inclusion of vulnerable populations and effective access to the resource. Her area of interests cover access to data, human rights, and the influence of transdigitality.
What are the champion's achievements in digital health?
Andrea has managed to achieve with lucidity and moral honesty and rational knowledge of the social, economic and health reality the following achievements.
a) Generate Digital Ecosystems
b) Educate in Change and for Change in times of Pandemic.
c) Justify historicity in the Digital Health category.
d) Sign cogeneration agreements with agencies and governments.
e) integrate gender support panels.
f) write and subscribe in editorial and social networks courageous opinion about digital reality.
g) Learn about ethics in transformation
h) Include everyone in the advantages and benefits of which she was creditor, avoiding exposing collaborators and assistants.
Why is the champion passionate about digital health (how did the champion become interested in digital health)?
For Andrea, digital transformation is the appropriate place to recreate the best ecosystems of people that use technology for improving lives of others.
How can we attract more women to work on digital health?
"Listen (to women), Women have a lot to say and we to learn"
Andrea Barbiero
Which organization does the champion work for?
Founder of SALUSCOOP Mentora, H
What is the champion's country of origin?
Where does the champion live (country)