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What is the champion's current position?
Vertical health trainee leader in technology consultant
What are the champion's specialties or areas of expertise?
Agustina is a pediatrician, with expertise in health informatics. She completed her hospital residency for both. She also did a Masters program in health informatics, which she is about to deliver her thesis. She took a course in data science in health, with R as a programming language during 2019. She also got a diploma in gender and health.
What are the champion's achievements in digital health?
Throughout her career, Agustina was able to enrich vision of health information systems and technologies. She believes that her work experience in both public and private institutions, at the macro, meso and micromanagement level has given her the privilege of knowing the health system in-depth. Furthermore, it has allowed her to become aware of the challenges we face as managers of change in digital health.
Why is the champion passionate about digital health (how did the champion become interested in digital health)?
Agustina feels like an engine for change that she wants to see in digital health systems and in health itself. She believes that service design and user-centric design can make patients and healthcare professionals at the center to co-create systems that can truly add value and facilitate care.
How can we attract more women to work on digital health?
-Participation in undergraduate and postgraduate training activities to disseminate the discipline-Regional programs: Proposals for exchange between health participants and to enhance learning experiences to solve impact challenges with technology-Creating a community to generate dissemination of discipline, to form networks-alliances, to deepen knowledge and skills and to publicize the opportunities offered by the field of digital health-Mentoring programs-Thematic conferences with spaces designed and group dynamics so that participants know referrals, are interested and interact with different applications of technology and information systems in health
Which organization does the champion work for?
What is the champion's country of origin?
Where does the champion live (country)