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What is the champion's current position?
Medical Informatics Coordinator
What are the champion's specialties or areas of expertise?
Mother, wife, computer doctor, creator of organizational change- Camila's commitment is to improve health organizations by using cognition about care processes and health information systems. Her goal is to contribute to a safe and quality digital environment for both healthcare professionals and patients.
What are the champion's achievements in digital health?
Camila is a doctor by profession, working in health informatics for the last 6 years. She completed a residency in health informatics, which lasted from 2013-2017. She worked as head of Residents 2017-2018. She also worked for the Pan American Health Organization in 2017, encouraging the adoption of digital health strategies in Georgetown, Guyana. Since then, She has worked arranging the adoption, optimization and maintenance of the health information system at the Alexander Fleming Institute, a health center dedicated to patients with cancer diseases.
Why is the champion passionate about digital health (how did the champion become interested in digital health)?
When Camila finished her degree, she had the opportunity to learn what medicine was like in "the first world". Instead of becoming passionate about welfare, she fell in love with modernized health care, oriented towards true equity. This is how she decided to become a digital health specialist. To change the great inequity that existed in the health system in which she was trained-.
How can we attract more women to work on digital health?
Camila says that she understands that there are many educational and labor policies that encourage the participation of girls in science today. Still, she believes that the dissemination of opportunities must be brought down to the ground. Dissemination and communication strategies need to reach the younger generations of women.
Camila Murga
Which organization does the champion work for?
Instituto Alexander Fleming
What is the champion's country of origin?
Where does the champion live (country)