Online services for women survivors or at risk of sexual and gender-based violence


In recent decades, information and communication technologies (ICT) have been added to emergency telephone lines as part of the response to serve survivors of violence. However, many online care initiatives lack guidelines, regulations or procedures to implement multidisciplinary services on digital platforms. The goal of this tool is to provide basic guidelines for the design and implementation of comprehensive online services aimed at women and other populations that are survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in all their diversity, provided by an interdisciplinary team through digital platforms based on remote care guidelines. The process and key components for online care for women SGBV survivors that were used to develop digital platforms as part of IDB technical cooperation in El Salvador and Honduras are described. Although, this initiative was developed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is expected that this modality of services will be established as a permanent and complementary option to face-to-face services in several Latin American countries.

Learn more about the tool at the following link:


Online services for women survivors or at risk of sexual and gender-based violence
Online services for women survivors or at risk of sexual and gender-based violence

Additional Information

El Salvador, Honduras
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