Electronic Health Record System (EHR-S) Scorecard Toolkit

Module 5: Usability Requirements

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Any information system aimed at multiple users be easy to use to optimize the use of the tool.

Usability is a concept that identifies the degree to which a product, in this case, an information system, can be used by its intended users to achieve specific goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction given a specific context of use.

Identifying the usability of an EHR-S makes it possible to provide criteria that, beyond functional, security, or interoperability considerations, identifies a variable with a high impact on the implementation of an EHR-S.

In this sense, the acceptance of a certain information system by professional groups such as doctors or nurses is closely linked to the fact that the information systems have high levels of usability. Otherwise, an EMR/EHR-S may not be seen as a useful tool, which helps perpetuate older models of care information management.

The requirements that determine usability are structured as follows:

  • Simplicity in the navigation and organization of the contents.
  • Effective interaction
  • Design
  • Consistency
  • Help and error prevention
  • Feed-back and analytical information (Control and feedback)
  • Minimizing the need for user interpretation

Refer to the attached guide for more details.




Click here to learn more about the usability requirements.