MedCreds is an open source platform for verifiable credentials, built using open source and open standards within the Linux Foundation, and available from Linux Foundation Public Health. MedCreds is a complete web and mobile application solution for authorized issuers of credentials, holder wallets for users to receive and share credentials, and verifier organizations to request and verify credentials. MedCreds can be used for any verifiable credential including:
MedCreds allows a citizen to have a digital and verifiable record of their medical results, and share them with a third party when they need to. |
Tool Specification
- Issuer Portal and API for Credentials
- Holder wallet
- Verifier Organization Portal and Tools
Free and open source software
Public and Private
- G. Data interchange interoperability and accessibility
- H. Electronic Medical Record(EMR)/ Electronic Heatlh Record(EHR)
- N. Health management information system
- R. Laboratory and diagnostics information system
Medcreds offer full service implementation and support in addition to the open source code.
Shorter than 2 weeks
- 2 full time software engineers 1-2 weeks.
- Cloud Native Software deployment using Kubernetes.
Rating and Comments
- Proof Market
- Linux Foundation Public Health
- MIT PathCheck
- Trust over IP
- Good Health Pass
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