
Open Smart Register Platform is a software system designed for Ministries of Health to transition from paper registers to digital patient systems, to empower health providers to manage the health of their populations with decision-support and data monitoring in-line with WHO recommendations. OpenSRP is a open-source and standards-based community health information software system that complements and adds value to other “global good” digital health information systems, including medical records systems (OpenMRS), health management information systems (DHIS2), logistics information systems (OpenLMIS), and messaging platforms (RapidPro) that are often deployed at scale. OpenSRP modernizes the ubiquitous paper client registers and logbooks, enabling health workers to account for services and track the health of their patient population.

How does OpenSRP work?

OpenSRP offers the following functionalities for facilitating achieving universal health coverage:

  • Client Identification & Registration - Allowing health workers to better track their clients and equipping governments with a reliable tool for collecting individual level data at point of care, resulting in a more accurate denominator.
  • Client Health Record - Longitudinal tracking of client’s health status and services received, linked to a standardized electronic medical record (EMR).
  • Decision Support and Work Planning - Enhancing quality of care by leveraging evidence-based WHO guidelines to power clinical algorithms, as well as automated scheduling and showing reminders for follow-up visits and required services.
  • Routine health indicator reporting - Supporting all cadres of frontline health workers in multiple geographies to submit routine data that is required for local and national health systems performance monitoring.
  • Interoperability - Integration with existing, widely-used digital health information systems, such as DHIS2, OpenMRS, and RapidPro.
  • Monitoring & Performance Management - Empowering Ministries of Health and other governing institutions to make data-driven decisions, provide feedback on performance, and ensure quality control.
  • Supply Chain Management - Minimizing stock-outs and wastage by providing oversight of supplies available in the field.

OpenSRP covers a wide range of health conditions across the reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health continuum of care and beyond.

Client health information is password-protected and encrypted with industry-standard encryption software.

OpenSRP works offline and uploads data when connection is available, making it perfectly suited for even the most remote settings.

This tool is part of Digital Square's Global Goods. Click here to learn more about Digital Square's Global Goods. 

Tool Specification

Key Features / Modules

OpenSRP can reduce the paper register and reporting burdens in health systems by providing frontline health workers and Ministries of Health with digital tools that improve:

  • Client Identification & Registration - Allowing health workers to better track their clients and providing governments with a reliable tool for collecting data at the source, resulting in a more accurate denominator.
  • Client Management - Promoting continuity of care across life stages and ensuring clients receive the complete package of health services with automated scheduling and showing reminders for follow-up visits and required services.
  • Health Worker Workflow Support & Reporting - Supporting all cadres of frontline health workers in multiple geographies to provide quality care and submit quality data that is required for local and national health systems performance monitoring.
  • Interoperability - Ability to integrate with existing, widely-used digital health information systems, such as DHIS2 and OpenMRS.
  • Project Monitoring & Performance Management - Enabling Ministries of Health and other governing institutions to make data-driven decisions, provide feedback on performance, and ensure quality control.
  • Supply Chain Management - Minimizing stock-outs and wastage by providing oversight of supplies available in the field.

These features are combined in OpenSRP to create digital solutions for the following domains:

  1. Household (HH) module - for enumeration of all households and their inhabitants in a health worker’s assigned catchment area.
  2. Family Planning (FP) module - for tracking family planning clients’ methods, refills, and side-effects.
  3. Antenatal Care (ANC) module - for registering all pregnant women and tracking their antenatal visits and services.
  4. Postnatal Care (PNC) module - for tracking a mother’s health after giving birth through postnatal care visits and services.
  5. Vaccination Module - for tracking vaccinations provided to mothers, children, and/or adolescents, i.e. an Electronic Immunization Register (EIR).
  6. Early Childhood Development (ECD) module - for tracking a child’s cognitive and social development in the household and community.
  7. Nutrition Module - for tracking a child’s growth and nutritional status.
  8. Stock Management module - for tracking clinical supplies (only available for vaccines currently).
  9. Reporting module - for automating real-time tallies and report aggregations to submit to the district.
  10. (In progress) Presumptive, Positive, and In-treatment Tuberculosis (TB) modules - for TB case detection and treatment management.
  • Open-source and standards-based community health information software system

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  • mPower
  • The OpenSRP software was developed by a consortium of technology, implementation and academic partners, led by WHO’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research, that includes mPower, Johns Hopkins University, Ona, Harvard University School of Public Health, Interactive Research and Development, Summit Institute, and Interactive Health Solutions under the THRIVE research study.

Additional Information

Solution Type:
Community-based information system
Last Update: