Comparison between countries in the región Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC)

The information is organized according to the five main categories for implementing EHR systems:

  • Aspects specific to EHRAR#ef425225.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationAR#ef4252100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsAR#ef4252100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataAR#ef4252100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityAR#ef4252100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRBS#981b270.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationBS#981b27100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsBS#981b2740.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataBS#981b27100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityBS#981b270.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRBB#58595b0.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationBB#58595b100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsBB#58595b40.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataBB#58595b100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityBB#58595b0.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRBZ#00ffec0.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationBZ#00ffec50.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsBZ#00ffec20.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataBZ#00ffec0.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityBZ#00ffec0.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRBO#ffcc450.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationBO#ffcc4575.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsBO#ffcc4560.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataBO#ffcc4575.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityBO#ffcc450.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRBR#c9912a25.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationBR#c9912a100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsBR#c9912a100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataBR#c9912a100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityBR#c9912a100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRCL#f6873150.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationCL#f68731100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsCL#f68731100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataCL#f68731100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityCL#f68731100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRCO#a45e2475.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationCO#a45e24100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsCO#a45e2480.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataCO#a45e24100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityCO#a45e2450.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRCR#85c55575.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationCR#85c555100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsCR#85c55580.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataCR#85c555100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityCR#85c555100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRDO#3d793d0.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationDO#3d793d100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsDO#3d793d40.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataDO#3d793d100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityDO#3d793d0.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHREC#55bf9575.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationEC#55bf95100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsEC#55bf95100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataEC#55bf9575.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityEC#55bf95100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRSV#189775100.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationSV#189775100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsSV#18977560.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataSV#189775100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilitySV#1897750.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRGT#3b9ac30.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationGT#3b9ac350.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsGT#3b9ac340.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataGT#3b9ac375.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityGT#3b9ac30.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRGY#3370860.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationGY#33708650.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsGY#33708640.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataGY#33708675.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityGY#3370860.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRHT#53ce390.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationHT#53ce390.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsHT#53ce390.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataHT#53ce390.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityHT#53ce390.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRHN#2a83170.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationHN#2a831750.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsHN#2a831740.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataHN#2a831775.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityHN#2a83170.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRJM#8987840.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationJM#898784100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsJM#89878440.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataJM#898784100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityJM#8987840.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRMX#ff6f0075.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationMX#ff6f00100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsMX#ff6f00100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataMX#ff6f00100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityMX#ff6f00100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRNI#414cb00.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationNI#414cb0100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsNI#414cb060.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataNI#414cb075.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityNI#414cb00.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRPA#26488625.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationPA#26488675.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsPA#26488640.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataPA#26488675.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityPA#26488650.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRPY#1e978e0.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationPY#1e978e50.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsPY#1e978e20.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataPY#1e978e50.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityPY#1e978e0.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRPE#166262100.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationPE#166262100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsPE#166262100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataPE#166262100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityPE#166262100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRSR#c856770.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationSR#c856770.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsSR#c8567740.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataSR#c856770.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilitySR#c856770.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRTT#974c4c0.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationTT#974c4c100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsTT#974c4c40.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataTT#974c4c75.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityTT#974c4c0.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRUY#ff9b71100.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationUY#ff9b71100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsUY#ff9b71100.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataUY#ff9b71100.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityUY#ff9b71100.0000
  • Aspects specific to EHRVE#e66b250.0000
  • Patient data protection and secondary use of informationVE#e66b25100.0000
  • Actions of health professionalsVE#e66b2560.0000
  • Role of patients in relation to their health dataVE#e66b2550.0000
  • Standards for health and EHR interoperabilityVE#e66b2550.0000

Region: LAC

In this section, all the countries of the región LAC are distributed according to the progress made on their regulatory framework for implementing electronic health records.

  • Argentina84,211AR#ef4252
  • Argentina84,211AR#ef4252
  • Argentina84,211AR#ef4252
  • Argentina84,211AR#ef4252
  • Bahamas52,632BS#981b27
  • Bahamas52,632BS#981b27
  • Bahamas52,632BS#981b27
  • Bahamas52,632BS#981b27
  • Barbados52,633BB#58595b
  • Barbados52,633BB#58595b
  • Barbados52,633BB#58595b
  • Barbados52,633BB#58595b
  • Belize15,794BZ#00ffec
  • Belize15,794BZ#00ffec
  • Belize15,794BZ#00ffec
  • Belize15,794BZ#00ffec
  • Bolivia47,375BO#ffcc45
  • Bolivia47,375BO#ffcc45
  • Bolivia47,375BO#ffcc45
  • Bolivia47,375BO#ffcc45
  • Brazil84,216BR#c9912a
  • Brazil84,216BR#c9912a
  • Brazil84,216BR#c9912a
  • Brazil84,216BR#c9912a
  • Chile89,477CL#f68731
  • Chile89,477CL#f68731
  • Chile89,477CL#f68731
  • Chile89,477CL#f68731
  • Colombia84,218CO#a45e24
  • Colombia84,218CO#a45e24
  • Colombia84,218CO#a45e24
  • Colombia84,218CO#a45e24
  • Costa Rica89,479CR#85c555
  • Costa Rica89,479CR#85c555
  • Costa Rica89,479CR#85c555
  • Costa Rica89,479CR#85c555
  • Dominican Republic52,6310DO#3d793d
  • Dominican Republic52,6310DO#3d793d
  • Dominican Republic52,6310DO#3d793d
  • Dominican Republic52,6310DO#3d793d
  • Ecuador89,4711EC#55bf95
  • Ecuador89,4711EC#55bf95
  • Ecuador89,4711EC#55bf95
  • Ecuador89,4711EC#55bf95
  • El Salvador78,9512SV#189775
  • El Salvador78,9512SV#189775
  • El Salvador78,9512SV#189775
  • El Salvador78,9512SV#189775
  • Guatemala36,8413GT#3b9ac3
  • Guatemala36,8413GT#3b9ac3
  • Guatemala36,8413GT#3b9ac3
  • Guatemala36,8413GT#3b9ac3
  • Guyana36,8414GY#337086
  • Guyana36,8414GY#337086
  • Guyana36,8414GY#337086
  • Guyana36,8414GY#337086
  • Haiti0,0015HT#53ce39
  • Haiti0,0015HT#53ce39
  • Haiti0,0015HT#53ce39
  • Haiti0,0015HT#53ce39
  • Honduras36,8416HN#2a8317
  • Honduras36,8416HN#2a8317
  • Honduras36,8416HN#2a8317
  • Honduras36,8416HN#2a8317
  • Jamaica52,6317JM#898784
  • Jamaica52,6317JM#898784
  • Jamaica52,6317JM#898784
  • Jamaica52,6317JM#898784
  • México94,7418MX#ff6f00
  • México94,7418MX#ff6f00
  • México94,7418MX#ff6f00
  • México94,7418MX#ff6f00
  • Nicaragua52,6319NI#414cb0
  • Nicaragua52,6319NI#414cb0
  • Nicaragua52,6319NI#414cb0
  • Nicaragua52,6319NI#414cb0
  • Panama52,6320PA#264886
  • Panama52,6320PA#264886
  • Panama52,6320PA#264886
  • Panama52,6320PA#264886
  • Paraguay26,3221PY#1e978e
  • Paraguay26,3221PY#1e978e
  • Paraguay26,3221PY#1e978e
  • Paraguay26,3221PY#1e978e
  • Peru100,0022PE#166262
  • Peru100,0022PE#166262
  • Peru100,0022PE#166262
  • Peru100,0022PE#166262
  • Suriname10,5323SR#c85677
  • Suriname10,5323SR#c85677
  • Suriname10,5323SR#c85677
  • Suriname10,5323SR#c85677
  • Trinidad and Tobago47,3724TT#974c4c
  • Trinidad and Tobago47,3724TT#974c4c
  • Trinidad and Tobago47,3724TT#974c4c
  • Trinidad and Tobago47,3724TT#974c4c
  • Uruguay100,0025UY#ff9b71
  • Uruguay100,0025UY#ff9b71
  • Uruguay100,0025UY#ff9b71
  • Uruguay100,0025UY#ff9b71
  • Venezuela52,6326VE#e66b25
  • Venezuela52,6326VE#e66b25
  • Venezuela52,6326VE#e66b25
  • Venezuela52,6326VE#e66b25
  • 0
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75 100

Map mode

  • Countries
  • Heat map

Categories and dimensions for: LAC

This section presents the level of progress of the región LAC in developing the different dimensions of the five categories being analyzed.

Aspects specific to EHR
Patient data protection and secondary use of information
Actions of health professionals
Role of patients in relation to their health data
Standards for health and EHR interoperability

Country-by-country breakdown of: LAC

This section provides links to the main legal texts of each country for the different categories and dimensions of their regulatory framework.

Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health
Specific regulations on EHR
Type of information in EHR
Minimum data to be included in EHR
Regulations on the transition from paper to electronic health records
Personal data protection
Information exchange at the national level
Security in storing patient data
Secondary use of health information
Digital signature of professionals
Electronic documents
Access restrictions
Access in emergencies
Electronic prescriptions
Consent to use personal health data
Patient identification and authentication
Patients’ right to edit their personal health data
Patients' access to their personal health data
Interoperability and standards
Codes and standards for health

This dashboard reflects the results of a survey and analysis of 115 legal texts, most of which were accessed on the legal information web portals of the 26 countries in the region. The conceptual framework used to create the dashboard is based on the findings of the literature on this field. Three studies in particular were key to the tool’s development: