Meet the champions

Camila Murga

Camila Murga



Country of origin



Instituto Alexander Fleming

Current position

Medical Informatics Coordinator

Social media
What are the champion's achievements in digital health?

Camila is a doctor by profession, working in health informatics for the last 6 years. She completed a residency in health informatics, which lasted from 2013-2017. She worked as head of Residents 2017-2018. She also worked for the Pan American Health Organization in 2017, encouraging the adoption of digital health strategies in Georgetown, Guyana. Since then, She has worked arranging the adoption, optimization and maintenance of the health information system at the Alexander Fleming Institute, a health center dedicated to patients with cancer diseases.

What are the champion's specialties or areas of expertise?

Mother, wife, computer doctor, creator of organizational change- Camila's commitment is to improve health organizations by using cognition about care processes and health information systems. Her goal is to contribute to a safe and quality digital environment for both healthcare professionals and patients.

Why is the champion passionate about digital health (how did the champion become interested in digital health)?

When Camila finished her degree, she had the opportunity to learn what medicine was like in "the first world". Instead of becoming passionate about welfare, she fell in love with modernized health care, oriented towards true equity. This is how she decided to become a digital health specialist. To change the great inequity that existed in the health system in which she was trained-.

How can we attract more women to work on digital health?

Camila says that she understands that there are many educational and labor policies that encourage the participation of girls in science today. Still, she believes that the dissemination of opportunities must be brought down to the ground. Dissemination and communication strategies need to reach the younger generations of women.

Carolina Soto Salazar

Carolina Soto Salazar



Country of origin



Saluta Digital Health Center

Current position

Mental health doctor

Social media
What are the champion's achievements in digital health?

Carolina created the Donate Your Co-pay initiative in May 2020, a initiative that offers medical care remotely to help people who had no other way of accessing health care. Now, she coordinates two programs in Saluta: general medicine with LsCh interpreter and Saluta Diversa, all remotely.

What are the champion's specialties or areas of expertise?

Carolina is a general practitioner. She has experience in primary health care and in infant and adult mental health in the past 2 years. She has a degree in Mindfulness and Schizophrenic and Related Psychosis. Her focus is on mental health with a gender perspective and a human rights approach, for the accompaniment mainly of women and people of sexual diversity.

Why is the champion passionate about digital health (how did the champion become interested in digital health)?

Carolina is passionate about digital health because it has been a wonderful tool to reach people who previously couldn't easily access health care. Digital health allowed her to be able to support and accompany people from different parts of Chile and Colombia. Furthermore, she was able to guide these people on health issues in the middle of the pandemic. It also allowed her to be connected with people who need it, with her colleagues and with civil society organizations.

How can we attract more women to work on digital health?

Carolina believes that women should be paid equal as men in the field of digital health. She emphasizes that we need support in the generation of public policies that allow women to access training in digital health and also the necessary tools, as basic as internet connection.

Claudia Carolina Barrera Renault

Claudia Barrera Renault



Country of origin



Cetep Group

Current position

CEO and founder

Social media
What are the champion's achievements in digital health?

Claudia has managed to develop a digital culture in Grupo Cetep, with health personnel highly trained in ICT, file and digital telecare platform since its inception. She developed a chatbot associated with a mental health triage, with an Artificial Intelligence model that determines severity and cluster of symptoms. The chatbot allows immediate access to a professional through a web app.

What are the champion's specialties or areas of expertise?

Claudia graduated as General Practitioner at Univ. Católica de Chile. She holds postgraduate degree in Psychiatry at Univ. De Chile, and diploma in Senior Strategic Management in Health Organizations at Univ. Andrés Bello. In 2006, she co-founded Grupo Cetep, a company that seeks to bring mental health and well-being closer to people, recognized with the Chilean government's female seal, with 70% of heads are women.

Why is the champion passionate about digital health (how did the champion become interested in digital health)?

Claudia's interest stems from the precarious mental health situation in Chile: 4 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants (most in the private service), 20% of the population with related problems, and high rate of mobile phone use. She believes that digital health enables effective response to these needs, covering large numbers of populations at much more affordable prices than face-to-face care.

How can we attract more women to work on digital health?

To attract women, it is essential to show them the meaning of this work: the large gaps in access to health that exist today in our countries, and how digital health will help reduce them. We need to ensure that, from a very young age, girls are confident that they can solve great problems of humanity with effort, courage and technological tools.

Thank you for sharing your story and being part of this initiative.