Learning from a former youth assassin

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“I’d rather kill than be killed.” These were the words uttered to me by the 19 year old former armed group member sitting across from me at a cafe in a paramilitary controlled community in Colombia. One year after being allowed to leave the armed group, he still had nightmares and visions of those he had assassinated; experienced trouble sleeping; and his new home built from blood money served as a constant reminder of his past experiences.

Pregúntenle a Fullan…

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Si yo fuera ministro de educación, o vice-ministro, o asesor de alguno de ellos, les recomendaría que contrataran a Michael Fullan (). No lo conozco, pero he leído algunos de sus libros y me parece que si alguien quiere liderar un ministerio de educación, y hacer cambios de verdad, centrados en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes, considerando sintéticamente todos los factores, hay pocos con una visión más completa y calificada que la de Fullan.

Ask Michael Fullan…

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If I were a minister of education, or a vice-minister, or an advisor to either, I would recommend that they hire Michael Fullan. I do not know him, but I have read some of his books and I think that if someone wants to lead a ministry of education, make real changes in the way students learn, taking all factors into account, few are better qualified than Fullan.

Learning One to One

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The introduction of technology in education is gaining momentum worldwide. One model of incorporating technology into education that has gained tremendous traction in Latin America and the Caribbean is One-to-One computing. The term “One-to-One” refers to the ratio of digital devices per child so that each child is provided with a digital device, most often a laptop, to facilitate learning.

Aprender Uno a Uno

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La introducción de tecnología en educación está teniendo un importante crecimiento en el mundo. En particular, los modelos Uno-a-Uno están desarrollándose rápidamente en América Latina y el Caribe. El término Uno-a-Uno describe la tasa de computadores por estudiante, donde cada uno de ellos recibe un dispositivo digital, regularmente un computador portátil, para apoyar su aprendizaje.

Cine y Educación

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El debate sobre educación es un largometraje y está en los largometrajes.  Aquí les paso mis recomendaciones (las traducciones de los títulos al español son mías e imperfectas—espero que le sirvan de guía):

Film and Education

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The discussion about education is both a full-length feature film and takes place in films themselves. Here are my recommendations:

1. “Waiting for Superman” and “The Lottery“.

Is it fair that a child’s future depends on a lottery? Can all children learn at the level of the high expectations adults place on them? I wonder what the equivalent of the lottery is in Latin America.

Computers and Learning

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Can technology help to improve the quality of education?

This is the question that led us at the Inter-American Development Bank to produce a report on currently available knowledge on assessments and experiences in this subject around the world.  (Escuelas y Computadores: por qué los gobiernos deben hacer su tarea, Berlinski, Busso, Cristia y Severin. BID, 2011)