National Electronic Health Record Maturity Model Toolkit

Module 1. People and culture


Image removed.To develop useful clinical information systems for health organizations, it is important to assess those variables beyond functionality, technology or digital governance. It is crucial to assess variables that are decisive for the future development of these tools, which are related to the culture of organizations or the participation of patients in healthcare activities.

Within the scope of the organization, four significant components are identified:

  1. D1.C1.: Relevance and use of information;
  2. D1.C2.: Digital culture;
  3. D1.C3.: Acceptance of change;
  4. D1.C4.: Role of patients in the system.

The match between these components and their subcomponents to the needs of information systems will determine the future development and success of EMR models. Thus, even though there may be a mismatch with the processes of digital development of medical records, these variables ought to be worked on independently, and often, before the processes of digitalization.

Read more about this dimension in the attached document.


Click here to download details on this dimension.