National Electronic Health Record Maturity Model Toolkit

Module 5. Governance and Management

Image removed.Governance is defined to be the exercise of the political, administrative and technical authority for managing everything necessary in relation to health information systems (HIS), at all the levels of a national health system.

The governance structure consists of the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which all those involved, as well as participants (stakeholders) make known their interests, exercise their rights, fulfill their obligations, resolve their differences and supervise the operation of the HIS. Governance constitutes the framework allowing all the stakeholders to work in coordination.

In the framework of this chapter, seven relevant components are identified:

  1. D5.C1.: Strategy
  2. D5.C2.: Institutional support
  3. D5.C3.: Leadership
  4. D5.C4.: Data protection
  5. D5.C5.: Validity and uses of the MR and interoperability
  6. D5.C6.: Empowerment and training
  7. D5.C7.: Planning
  8. D5.C8.: Change management


Read more about this dimension in the attached document.


Click here to download details on this dimension.